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Featured Bachelor

Our featured bachelor is a renowned surgeon who cares deeply about his patients. He is also a wonderful father and family oriented. His children are only a few years away from all being out of the house but he is open to having more and/or step children. 


He is a faithful, temple worthy, service oriented member of the Church and has served in many callings and leadership positions. He is also very healthy and fit and enjoys daily exercise, biking, camping and water/snow skiing. 


He grew up in Utah and has many ties to Salt Lake but currently resides in another state. He has the means to travel and make it work for long distance dating but is ultimately looking for an eternal companion who is willing to relocate. 


While he is in his 50’s he often attracts the attention of women in their 40’s because of his youthful nature and inherited great looks. 

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If you've already submitted an application in our system for any reason, a brief email to let us know you're interested is all it takes! 

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Because of the nature of our business, we will only contact you if you are a match for our featured bachelor or another private client we are working with in the future.


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